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  • meghanmcouture

That's a Wrap

Updated: Nov 11, 2020


Well, that’s a wrap on my time at Four O’Clock Farm, folks.

My first post, before arriving to the farm, stuck with me throughout the past two weeks and was always in the back of my mind. I made it a point to think of the impacts, big or small, that I was having on the farm through my work.

I allowed Susan to work and impact those in her field while maintaining her garden. I cared for a little golden finch (I named him Jiffy) that got attacked by the stupid cat. I cleaned garlic and made bouquets that put smiles on many people’s faces. I both informed and learned while having conversations on important topics with Susan.

Though the impacts I had may be small, they touched the people around me (and Jiffy), and that cannot be discounted.


However, looking back now, the impacts I had on the farm pale in comparison to the impacts that it had on me.

Working on the farm has confirmed to me that I am in the right field of study and sparked excitement for my classes this upcoming semester. It has encouraged me to work hard and

fight for what I am passionate about. It showed me that I love spending time talking with others and growing relationships, and it showed me that I find peace in nature by taking the time to value its beauty and complexity.

Though I did learn about organic farming practices while on the farm, I think that I learned more about myself.

That may have not been my goal going into this experience, but I am very thankful for what I learned. I cannot wait to take my lessons from the farm and apply them in my life as a student and as a global citizen.

I am ready to go out and make an impact of any size wherever I may find myself.


I want to close this blog by giving a huge thanks to Susan and Jim. I’m not sure if you will ever read this blog, but I want to express my deepest gratitude for accepting me into your home and treating me like family over my two weeks with you. Your patience, guidance, and encouragement mean more than you know. I hope to visit your family and your farm again soon (and please have a dirty chai milkshake waiting for me when I do)!


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